Showing posts with label parallel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parallel. Show all posts

Monday, February 20, 2017

Sharing implementation of cucumber-jvm - Appium test framework

I recently shared the Features of my Android Test Automation Framework and also the challenges, and, how we overcame those, to make the parallel test execution work well with Android 7.0 devices as well.

In this blog post, I will be sharing the details (including code) of the implementation. If you have not read my post on - 
Features of my Android Test Automation Framework - I highly recommend you read that first.

Implementation Details

Tech Stack Summary

To recap - here is the tech stack that we currently have:
  • cucumber-jvm - v1.2.5
  • cucumber-reporting - v3.5.1
  • appium - v1.6.3
  • appium-java-client - v5.0.0-BETA2
  • appium-uiautomator2-driver - v0.2.3

1. Configure Jenkins Node (in Jenkins Server)

We currently have 5 Jenkins Nodes setup as shown below.

Each node is configured like this:

2. Setup Jenkins Job (in Jenkins Server)

Once the Nodes are setup, we can now configure the Jenkins Jobs. 

We have setup the following jobs in Jenkins for our test executions.

Each job is configured as a Jenkins Pipeline Project and we use the the Jenkins file available here ( as a sample from git to configure what the job is supposed to do.

3. Setup Jenkins Agent

Once the Jenkins Nodes and Jenkins Jobs are configured, we now need to get the Jenkins Agents itself setup and configured to be able to service the requests from the Jenkins server.

We use the JNLP way to connect the Jenkins Slave to the Jenkins server. For this, we have a template .sh script, which we need to copy and update 2 values in it. This is needed for each new Jenkins Node that we connect.

The template .sh script can be found here (

Now, our Jenkins setup is done. But a big piece is still missing. 

In order to run our tests on the Agent, we need some basic software to be installed. To do this, we created a shell script, that will help provision the machine. This is required to be done just once - but we do plan to have multiple Mac Mini host machines that will run various number of Jenkins agents - so the script will help keep same software (including version) on our machines - which means the same test execution environment.

This shell script can be found here - (

4. Manage Test Infrastructure & Test Execution

By this stage, our Jenkins Server, Jenkins Agent setup is done, including the software required to run the tests. Next thing is now at the Test Framework level.

Our build tool is gradle. All infrastructure related work is handled via this build.gradle file. 

Before we get into the details of the gradle file, it is important to understand what the code structure is.

Via groovy / gradle, we managed to solve the complexity of:

  • Finding matching devices based on the CONNECTED_DEVICE_IDS
  • Downloading the apk file from where ever it is available
    • This is done just once per test run - regardless of how many devices the test is going to run on
    • The URL to download is passed as an environment variable - APP_URL
    • For local testing, you can give a local absolute path to the apk file via the APP_PATH environment variable instead of specifying APP_URL
  • Finding the list of scenarios to be run (based on the cucumber tags specified via the environment variable - 'run'
  • Managing start / stop of Appium Servers
  • Cleaning up the device before test runs
  • Executing Cucumber scenarios in parallel
  • Building consolidated reports locally (cucumber-reports) - IF not using the Jenkins cucumber-reports plugin

5. Run Tests

Last, step in this process - is to manage the Android Driver. We use the Cucumber-jvm's @Before and @After hooks to set the right capabilities for instantiating the AndroidDriver, and also stopping the same after test execution is complete.

These helper files can be found here (

Sample Code

All the sample code can be found from my github repository cucumber-jvm-appium-infra -

Happy Testing!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Finding my way out of bottomless pit with Appium & Android 7.0 for parallel test runs

As mentioned in my earlier post - I designed and implemented a cucumber-jvm-Appium-based test framework to run automated tests against Android Mobile Devices.

We were using:
  • cucumber-jvm - v1.2.5
  • cucumber-reporting - v3.3.0
  • appium - v1.6.3
  • appium-java-client - v4.1.2

  • All was good, tests were running via CI, in parallel (based on scenarios) against devices having Android v5.x and v6.x.

    Then the challenges started. We got some new Motorola G4 Plus devices for our Test Lab - which has Android 7.0 installed.

    First the test refused to run. Figured out that we would probably need to upgrade the appium java-client library version to v5.0.0-BETA1. By the time we figured that out, appium-java-client v5.0.0-BETA2 was out. We also needed to change the instrumentation to UiAutomator2. This was all fine. Our tests started working (after some more changes in how locators were defined and used).

    However, the tests refused to run in parallel on the Motorola devices with Android 7. The app used to launch correctly, but tests used to run as expected only on 1 of the devices - causing our test job to fail miserably, and without any clue.

    These same tests continued to work correctly with all other devices having Android 5.x and 6.x. Very confusing indeed, not to mention highly frustrating too!

    By this time, appium-java-client v5.0.0-BETA3 was out, but refused to upgrade to that - as the difference was iOS specific. Likewise, Appium v1.6.4 BETA is now available - but not feeling to upgrade so fast - and battle the new surprises, if any.

    After digging through Appium's open issues, figured out that many people have faced, and got the similar issue resolved. The solution seemed to be to upgrade the appium-uiautomator2-driver to version > v0.2.6.

    So - next question, which had an easier answer - how to upgrade this uiautomator2-driver. However - after the upgrade, my issue did not get fixed. In fact, now the Android Driver was unable to get instantiated at all. I was getting the errors shown below.

    1. [MJSONWP] Encountered internal error running command: Error: Command '/Users/IT000559/Library/Android-SDK/build-tools/25.0.2/aapt dump badging /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-uiautomator2-driver/uiautomator2/appium-uiautomator2-server-v0.1.1.apk' exited with code 1 at ChildProcess. (../../lib/teen_process.js:70:19) at emitTwo (events.js:106:13) at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:192:7) at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:890:16) at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:226:5)

    2. org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: Unable to create new remote session. desired capabilities = Capabilities [{appPackage=com.vuclip.viu, noReset=false, appWaitActivity=com.vuclip.viu.ui.screens.IndianProgrammingPreferenceActivity, deviceName=motorola, fullReset=false, appWaitDuration=60000, appActivity=com.vuclip.viu.ui.screens.MainActivity, newCommandTimeout=600, platformVersion=7.0, automationName=UIAutomator2, platformName=Android, udid=ZY223V2H8R, systemPort=6658}], required capabilities = Capabilities [{}] Build info: version: '3.0.1', revision: '1969d75', time: '2016-10-18 09:49:13 -0700'

    Eventually, found a workaround. I had to make the following 2 changes:
    • When initialising the Android Driver, I had to pass an additional capability - "systemport" and set the value to the Appium port for the Appium server the test was connecting to.
      • capabilities.setCapability("systemPort", Integer.parseInt(APPIUM_PORT)); 
    • Before the test run started, I do a cleanup - which includes 
      • kill any prior / orphan Appium server for that particular port, if remaining 
      • Uninstall the app from the device. I had to add another step to also uninstall the following: 
        • io.appium.uiautomator2.server, and, 
        • io.appium.uiautomator2.server.test 
    Post this, my tests are now working, as expected (from the beginning), sequentially or in parallel, against all supported Android versions.

    Current stack::
  • cucumber-jvm - v1.2.5
  • cucumber-reporting - v3.5.1
  • appium - v1.6.3
  • appium-java-client - v5.0.0-BETA2
  • appium-uiautomator2-driver - v0.2.3

  • After the dust settled, my colleague - Priyank Shah and I were thinking why not many people have encountered this problem.

    My thought is probably most people may be managing the Appium Server and the Android Driver from the test run, instead of from a build script. As a result, they would not have encountered the systemport related challenge as we did.

    PS: Note that Appium Server is started / stopped via our build.gradle file and the AndroidDriver is instantiated (based on parameters passed via a combination of environment variables & properties file) from within each cucumber-jvm scenario (@Before hook).

    Hope our learning helps others who may encounter similar issues.